Friday, July 1, 2011

Perception and its factors


Sensation is an elementary experience. It is only a raw material for the final experience. But perception is sensation plus a great deal more, the experience. Perception is defined as sensation re- infored by memories, images etc, derived from past experience. Perception is also defined as a process of attaching meaning to sensations. In psychology perception is defined as a immediate apprehension of an object as it is. Thus in perception there is a sudden grasping of an object as it is. It is also defined as a process of decoding the encoded message. That is perception is a process of interpreting the sensations

Factors determining perception

According to Gardiner Murphy, the various factors which determine our perception are
1. Sense organs
2. To brain function
3. Past experience
4. Set or attitude
5. Matives

Sense organ
Perception depends upon sense impressions. The sense impressions depend upon the sense organ concerned with the specific stimuli. For example to perceive colours and shape rods and cones must be fully developed. To perceive the various stimuli the respective sense organ, the nerve cells etc must be fully developed. If a particular sense organ is injured or damaged, the concerned stimuli from the environment cannot be perceived.

Brain function
Perception also depends upon the nature of the brain function. If a particular part of the brain is injured then the concerned perception will be

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