The term intelligence in the case of human being has been usually connected with intellectual cognitive abilities. The term intelligence is often used in the same sense as wisdom. Intelligence is a term commonly used and yet rather difficult to be defined is a precise and generally accepted form.
The most general definition of intelligence was given by munn. According to him intelligence is '' versatility of adjustment.'' This definition can be applied at all level of evolution. Versatility at lower levels is indicated by the speed with which learning occurs. At more higher levels, it has developed the place where problems of greater complesity can be learnt.
David Wechsler defines intelligence as ''aggregate on global capacity of an individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment.
Testing intelligence
Testing intelligence is an important factor especially nowadays because admissions to professional courses and selection of people for employment are done on the basis of intelligence tests.
At the beginning of the present century the school authorities in paris wanted to take some measures to spot out those students who could not do well in their studies. Alfred binet was commissioned by the French government to find out the causes of the poor performance of the students. Binet with the help of another psychologist by name Simon constructed the intelligence tests.
Mental age ( M.A )
The contribution of Binet lies not in the construction of intelligence test but he gave a quantitative term for testing intelligence. He developed the concept of mental age. Mental age is nothing but a score obtained by an individual on the basis of his performance on the intelligence tests. It is a score which can be expressed in terms of the age groups to which an individual psychological function belongs.
Intelligence quotient ( I.Q )
Binets terminology was improved by William stern. He pointed out that the intelligence of an individual could be expressed as a ratio between the mental age and the actual age which is called chronological age. The mental age is divided by Chronological age and the quotient is multiplied by 100 to avoid decimals. This is known as intelligent quotient. Formula for working out intelligent quotient is
I.Q = M.A / C.A x 100 where I.Q is equal to intelligence quotient.
M.A is mental age, C.A is chronological
Intelligence of a human being CLICK HERE
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