Monday, July 4, 2011

Intelligence of a human being


The term intelligence in the case of human being has been usually connected with intellectual cognitive abilities. The term intelligence is often used in the same sense as wisdom. Intelligence is a term commonly used and yet rather difficult to be defined is a precise and generally accepted form.
The most general definition of intelligence was given by munn. According to him intelligence is '' versatility of adjustment.'' This definition can be applied at all level of evolution. Versatility at lower levels is indicated by the speed with which learning occurs. At more higher levels, it has developed the place where problems of greater complesity can be learnt.
David Wechsler defines intelligence as ''aggregate on global capacity of an individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment.

Testing intelligence

Testing intelligence is an important factor especially nowadays because admissions to professional courses and selection of people for employment are done on the basis of intelligence tests.
At the beginning of the present century the school authorities in paris wanted to take some measures to spot out those students who could not do well in their studies. Alfred binet was commissioned by the French government to find out the causes of the poor performance of the students. Binet with the help of another psychologist by name Simon constructed the intelligence tests.

Mental age ( M.A )

The contribution of Binet lies not in the construction of intelligence test but he gave a quantitative term for testing intelligence. He developed the concept of mental age. Mental age is nothing but a score obtained by an individual on the basis of his performance on the intelligence tests. It is a score which can be expressed in terms of the age groups to which an individual psychological function belongs.

Intelligence quotient ( I.Q )

Binets terminology was improved by William stern. He pointed out that the intelligence of an individual could be expressed as a ratio between the mental age and the actual age which is called chronological age. The mental age is divided by Chronological age and the quotient is multiplied by 100 to avoid decimals. This is known as intelligent quotient. Formula for working out intelligent quotient is
I.Q = M.A / C.A x 100 where I.Q is equal to intelligence quotient.
M.A is mental age, C.A is chronological

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Thought and language in human beings

Thought and language

According to watson thinking is said to be restained speech sub vocal thinking or implicit language activity. If we just analyze our every where thinking, we find words everywhere because we are talking to ourself. This is more evident in children's thinking. They often do their thinking aloud as they grow older. They learn that their thought should be kept within and they think sub vocally. But other psychologist defined that deaf people who cannot use language

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Thinking and reasoning in human beings

Thinking and reasoning

As man is a rational animal he is capable of thinking and reasoning for effective dealings with his environment. Main needs thinking and reasoning.
Thinking represents the most complex form of human behaviour the highest form of mental activity but it is not so different from our other activities. Many forms of behaviour can be classified as thinking. We think as we 'day dream' while working for a class to begin we think, as we ''solve a problem''

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Preserving mental hygiene

Mental hygiene

Mental hygiene is one of the movements which has become very important in modern times just as people are keen on preserving their physical health similarly people must preserve their mental health by adhering to principles of mental hygiene. The aim of mental hygiene is to preserve mental health. There are various principles of mental hygiene. The following are some of them.

  • One of the ways of preserving mental health is to develop positive attitude towards life. Instead of running away from reality one has to face the challenges boldly.



    Definition of hallucination


    Another form of error in perception is hallucination. It is nothing but a false perception here. We perceive a figure or and object purely because of subjective conditions though there is no stimulus at all such an error and perception has no object base hallucination differs from illusion in certain respect.

  • Illusion has an objective base where as hallicination have no object and it is purely subjective

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    Friday, July 1, 2011

    Types of illusions


    It is a wrong perception or a mistaken perception. It is defined as an immediate apprehension of an object as we like it and not as it is. The perceptual process involves and interpretation of the sensory experience in the light of our past experience, present attitude organic needs etc. Consiquantly if the interpretation is done wrongly the stimulus perceive will be wrong. Such a phenomenon is known as illusion. The classical example is our perception of rope as a snake in dark. The stimulus is like the one coming from a snake and it is quite real and objecting because of the similarity between the two, we perceive a rope as a snake in the night as guided by our past experience and fear. In illusion there is always an objective reality but it is mistaken. Thus illusion is normal and universal phenomenon.

    Types of illusion

    In order to understand how illusions are caused the psychologist have studied illusion by making use of a number of geometrical figures which cause illusions.

    Muller lyer illusion

    In the illusion there are two straight lines of equal length one is bound with a pair of arrow heads at both the ends and another line has feather heads at both the ends. Though both the lines are equal in length, the line with arrow heads appears shorter than the line with feather heads. This is nothing but optical illusion. This illusion is due to the context of the arrow heads and feather heads attached to the lines. Generally there is a tendency to under estimate their feather head line. This is due to the fact that while perceiving the arrow head line our vision is restricted on the other hand we tend to extend our vision beyond what is given while seeing the feather heads line.

    Horizontal vertical illusion

    In this the verticals line is always drawn from the midpoint of the horizontal line in a right angle position. Though the two lines are of equal length the vertical line appears longer than the horizontal line by virtue of its position. This is because the movement of eyes along the vertical line is more tired than the movement on the horizontal line. Naturally the vertical line looks shorter than what it is. Example the horizontal line looks shorter than what it is. Another reason is that the horizontal line is cut at the intersection which makes it look shorter than vertical line.

    Illusion of movement or ( Phi- phenomenan )

    Perceiving movement is one of the characteristic of perception. It is an innade nature of human vision though perceiving movement is natural perceiving apparent movement of an object is known as illusion of movement or phi- phenomenon. What we see on the screen in a cinema theatre is not the real movement but a series of still pictures projected on the screen at a particular speed that is 20 to 25 pictures per second the neon light advertisement are also based on this principles..............Read

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    Perception and its factors


    Sensation is an elementary experience. It is only a raw material for the final experience. But perception is sensation plus a great deal more, the experience. Perception is defined as sensation re- infored by memories, images etc, derived from past experience. Perception is also defined as a process of attaching meaning to sensations. In psychology perception is defined as a immediate apprehension of an object as it is. Thus in perception there is a sudden grasping of an object as it is. It is also defined as a process of decoding the encoded message. That is perception is a process of interpreting the sensations

    Factors determining perception

    According to Gardiner Murphy, the various factors which determine our perception are
    1. Sense organs
    2. To brain function
    3. Past experience
    4. Set or attitude
    5. Matives

    Sense organ
    Perception depends upon sense impressions. The sense impressions depend upon the sense organ concerned with the specific stimuli. For example to perceive colours and shape rods and cones must be fully developed. To perceive the various stimuli the respective sense organ, the nerve cells etc must be fully developed. If a particular sense organ is injured or damaged, the concerned stimuli from the environment cannot be perceived.

    Brain function
    Perception also depends upon the nature of the brain function. If a particular part of the brain is injured then the concerned perception will be

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    Important tips and tricks in Stock trading

    Stock trading

    Many people before stepping in the stock market think stock trading is the easiest way to earn money, unaware of easiest way to lose money. Once they lose money then they realize it is not so easy. Many people lose money due to lack of rules. To make profit in the market one has to set few rules and follow with decipline. In stock market earning even 1 rupee after the commission is a successful trade. Few tips are mentioned below for trading

    1.Never trade in margin, due to time limitations you can face huge loses.

    2. Split your capital into various tradings like swing trading and positional trading apart from intraday trading.

    3. Do not trade in the same stock again same day

    4. Do not trade with the borrowed money and don't put all your money in one script, if you lose in one script then the other might give you good profit.

    5. Once you loose a trade do not over trade that day, and always

    6. Do not trade on rumours

    7. Every person had different opinion and different style of trading in the market, so follow only one person not all.............READ

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    Sensation of skin or Cutaneous sensation

    Sensation of skin or Cutaneous sensation

    Cutaneous or skin sensation are those of touch, heat, cold and pain. The receptors for their sensations consists mainly of various types of small bulbs or corpuscles at the end of a sensory nerve axons
    There are three different types of touch receptors in the regions of the body that are covered with fine hair, the hair follicles are provided with specialized nerve endings which are stimulated when ever the hair moved.....READ

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