Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Different stages of memory


Memory is a complicated vaital process which includes several psychological activities. In common conversation the term mercury is used to mean our capacity to remember but in psychology the term memory refers to a complex psychological process which includes both remembering and forgetting. Infact these 2 are like 2 faces of a coin. Forgetting is as important as remembering because we have to forget unnecessary and unwanted experience so that we are able to retain the necessary experiences and information.

There are four stages in memory they are :

1. Learning and memorizing

2. Retentions

3. Recalling or reproducing

4. Recognisation

These may be described as follows :

1. Learning or Memorising :

Memory necessarily implies learning unless something has been learnt previously or experienced previously there may be nothing for us to remember. It is what we have already learnt or experience that we can remember. Therefore learning is the 1st stage mercury. It includes not only those activities which we have acquired by continous practice such as multiplication tables or the spelling of the words but also single experiences in which a nerve has been mentioned to us or a new face is introduced to us.
Memory differs from learning in important respect that is learning in performance immediately after practice but memory requires a certain time intervals between learning and recalling.

2. Retention :

It is the central factor in memory. The fact that we are able to recall many poems and rhyms which we had learnt several years ago show that these materials had been retained in our minds during a period of several years. It is this process in which learnt activities are preserved in our minds, so that we can still recall them later, that is known as retention. Thus retention is the process of retaining past experiences.
No one as yet knows definitely how exactly learnt activities are retained. Psychologist have been able to from some guess as to the way in which retention is possible. They have put forward the idea of a memory trace. They believe that all mental activity involves corresponding damages in nervous system particularly in the brain. They further believe that these charges are in the nature of marks or traces in the nervous tissues of the brain. They think that these traces formed at the time of learning include in them the corresponding activities. These traces are impression in brain are believed to contain the experience of the past and are known as ' Memory trace or Engram or Nervogram'.
Retention however does not guarantee recall because we know from experience a nerve or a number or a word which we may not be able to recall now we may recall after 1 hour or after a day or 2. Obviously it had been retained but could not be recalled although we all think that we forget many of our experiences and learnt activities. It is perhaps true to say that nothing which has been experienced in even totally been forgotten. It is not definitely known but preserved from the fact that many things which we cannot remember during dreams under the influence of drugs or during hypnosis...........READ

Different stages of memory CLICK HERE


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